Chronic Dissatisfaction

Is this all that there is? Are you content with your life? Are you completely satisfied? Do you ever feel like you aren’t there yet but also don’t really know where there is? If you answered yes or even I’m not sure to any of the above then I recommend that you keep reading. “DesiresContinue reading “Chronic Dissatisfaction”

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Dear Anorexia

“Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves.” Henry David Thoreau Dear Anorexia, You took everything from me. I was lost, lonely, entirely secluded. Trapped within my own mind. Your force blinded me and imprisoned my personality. I couldn’t think, I was numb, my head consumed by food. Ironic really since youContinue reading “Dear Anorexia”

The way we speak to ourselves matters!

Why are we allowing our lives to be dictated by our unhelpful thoughts? Why do we dwell on past events that we cannot change? Why are we continuing to allow our thoughts to prevent us from enjoying experiences and grasping every opportunity? “It’s not what you are that holds you back, it’s what you thinkContinue reading “The way we speak to ourselves matters!”

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