Loneliness and Isolation

It is safe to say that we are all now familiar with the term social isolation. Due to the protective restrictions in place during the Covid-19 pandemic, every single one of us has experienced isolation to some degree. Isolation is the condition of being alone or disconnected, but I doubt I need to explain thatContinue reading “Loneliness and Isolation”

The way we speak to ourselves matters!

Why are we allowing our lives to be dictated by our unhelpful thoughts? Why do we dwell on past events that we cannot change? Why are we continuing to allow our thoughts to prevent us from enjoying experiences and grasping every opportunity? “It’s not what you are that holds you back, it’s what you thinkContinue reading “The way we speak to ourselves matters!”

Three, two, one….

Here I am again. Staring at the same old ceiling wondering why I can’t get up, just like I did yesterday. I’m not even particularly comfortable, in fact I feel quite claustrophobic beneath my sheets. Yet, I still haven’t the motivation to move. I wouldn’t say I feel sad, just dull and heavy. Do IContinue reading “Three, two, one….”

Am I crazy?

Have you ever dropped your shampoo in the shower and had some kind of soapy naked breakdown because it’s all just too much!? Ever question how you can feel every single emotion all at the same time, yet feel numb? Wonder why you have so many different thoughts bouncing around in your head, but can’tContinue reading “Am I crazy?”

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